TWO intuitive and creative drawing line stencils!
JUST IN! Order 200 books and we will print your logo and design proposal on the book cover

- Fairy tale sticker set 6x DIN A4
- Plus: Foto phrame stickers to place your happiest memories in your book
Stickers from the twelve most popular fairy tales e.g.: Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Hansel and Gretel, Puss in Boots, Frau Holle, Sterntaler, The Wolf and the 7 Little Goats, Frog Prince, Snow White

- Winter sticker set 6x DIN A4
- Foto phrame stickers to place your happiest memories in your book
Over 160 winter and Christmas stickers to color, e.g. Winter sticker themes, snowflakes, winter sports, Christmas and holiday themes, St. Nicholas, Happy New Year, fairy tales..
DROP YOUR INDIVIDUAL ORDER TO: gloria@seitenbunt.com